Real fun like Meat Boy
I love this game! I also had the problem with only being able to collect seven coins with Terrence, but realized you can only collect the total of ten coins (why eight?) when playing as Meatboy, because he starts further back in the game than Terrence does, making available three more coins. Other than that, I couldn't find any actual problems, though if you die jumping left going off a cliff, your character continues to move in the same way when you respawn. This sucks when the respawn area is right next to another cliff, as I don't have enough time to react to save either Terrence or Meatboy from falling off and dying again. However, that is only human error, but adding a second of respawn time so that your character doesn't move for that duration when it respawns would be nice, as I had a multitude of cheap deaths because of that. Oh, the secret medal is easy to get, just die 50 times throughout the game.